From Oxford Brookes Racing to Design Engineer at Encocam
Magesh’s Story Corex Honeycomb has been a frequent sponsor of the Oxford Brookes Racing (OBR) team and supported their work for Formula Student. Now, Magesh Muthu, an OBR alumnus, is a Design Engineer at Encocam. The connection? Corex Honeycomb is a business unit within Encocam Ltd, a leading engineering and manufacturing business. We interviewed Magesh […]

Cellbond launches new website
Encocam’s specialist passive safety business unit, Cellbond, has launched a new website showcasing a wide range of products and services that are used in the testing phase of new vehicle design and manufacture. Cellbond designs, develops and manufactures sophisticated biofidelic crash test dummies, leg form impactors, head impactors and deformable aluminium crash test barriers, all […]

iMET Building, The new Home of Encocam LTD
Award winning Huntingdon manufacturing and engineering company Encocam Ltd today announced the freehold purchase of iMET, the former advanced technical training centre located on the Alconbury Weald Enterprise Campus, from Urban and Civic plc. The building, which has remained empty since the training centre closed its doors for the final time in 2021, will be […]

A Day in the Life of an Engineer – Matthew Dyer, Head of Engineering at Encocam
In this A Day in the Life of an Engineer interview Matthew Dyer, Head of Engineering at Encocam kindly shares his thoughts and experiences on the subject of engineering. As well as working in the industry, Matthew has a personal passion for the subject and enjoys working on his own engineering designs from his small […]

Inspiring Innovation and Creativity in the Workplace
Creativity allows us to view and solve problems and challenges more openly and with innovation. At Encocam, creativity, is defined as: “Employees working together, sharing their innovative approach to challenges to deliver high-quality work.” As one of our company values, creativity pervades everyday work at Encocam. We are committed to stimulating the creativity of employees […]

Interview with an Apprentice
We interviewed Tom, a CNC Apprentice in our Stonehill Engineering division, as he reflects on what he has learnt during his apprenticeship and his plans for the future. He didn’t consider an apprenticeship initially as most people he knew were focused on university. Instead he went to sixth form but found all the coursework hard to manage as he prefers the practical side of learning.

Encocam Expands Apprenticeship Scheme
As a manufacturing company with a passion for developing innovative engineering solutions, Encocam offers apprenticeships in many different areas providing our apprentices with the chance to learn through experience, while gaining the qualifications required to succeed in their chosen profession. We are pleased to announce that we are now extending our apprenticeship scheme.

Encocam Joins Cambridge Network
Encocam is pleased to announce their membership of the Cambridge Network, an organisation that brings people together – from business and academia – to meet and share ideas, encouraging collaboration and partnership for shared success.
Cambridge Network will enable the company to promote their broad range of products and services.

Quality Inspection Capacity Increased for Precision Engineered Parts
The quality inspection room at Encocam has recently been expanded by fifty percent to enable the addition of two new machines, increasing inspection efficiency and capacity for precision engineered parts.
Our precision engineering division, Stonehill Engineering, inspects every job to ensure it meets strict quality control measures before it leaves the factory.

Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day
International Women in Engineering Day’, which takes place on 23 June 2021, is an awareness campaign to raise the profile of women in engineering and focus attention on the amazing career opportunities available in this exciting industry.
To celebrate the contribution that Encocam’s women engineers make to the business, we spoke to one of our Chemical Engineers, Patricia, about her career and experiences.

Encocam’s protective desk screens installed at Cambridgeshire Chamber of Commerce
Protective desk screens provide a robust solution to safeguard employees, separating workspaces and helping to intercept the respiratory droplets thought to transmit the Covid-19 virus, while still allowing visual contact to be maintained. At our factory in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire we manufacture desk screens following the same principles as our aluminium composite panels. They are lightweight […]

Motivating employees: Encocam’s response to COVID-19
Dr Mike Ashmead, Founder of Encocam, talks to the CBI about how we have been motivating employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the full article on the CBI website. What challenges were you trying to address? With the virus spreading and social distancing measures being announced by government, we found we were juggling a complex […]